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PP190 Filthy Little Replicas

Life is full of ups and downs, and Satan and his emissaries want to seize upon us in our low points to turn us from the pathway of faith. But God is using those same trials to further his good work in us – to make us more like Christ.

Scriptures Referenced:
Rom 8:17-30

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PP155 Going Gluten-Free

Facing temptation is something we have in common with every other human being, including the Lord Jesus. In an episode that explores the combination of the Lord’s true humanity and sinless deity, we also learn from the Lord how we can become stronger in the face of temptation – even if that means going gluten-free.

Scriptures Referenced: Mat 4:1-11; Luk 4:1-13

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PP107 I Have a Key Called Promise!

Struggles with depression, doubt, and despair are a somber reality for many of God’s people. If that is your experience, you aren’t alone in walking that dark path. Many noble Christians have had to endure these trials – including the character, Christian, in Pilgrim’s Progress. Is there deliverance from Giant Despair and Doubting Castle? And where can we find hope to carry on in the darkness?

Scriptures Referenced: Psa 88; John 10:28-29; 2Cor 1:20; Titus 1:2; Heb 12:22-24; 1Jn 2:25; Rev 21:3-5

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PP072 The Crucible of Chastening

Why do believers suffer? Why does God chasten his people? Because God loves us! He is not trying to make us bitter, but to make us better, and that the life of Jesus may be displayed in our mortal flesh. Listen in as Matthew’s father, Lloyd, takes us through the crucible of chastening – its reality, our reactions, God’s reasons, and the results of the trials we endure.

Scriptures Referenced: Job 4:5-9; 42:14; Prov 3:11-12; 17:3; 1Kings 1:5-6; Joh 15:1-2; 2Cor 1:3-4; 4:7-11; 12:7; Heb 12:5-11

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PP047 A Sword for Christmas

At the first Christmas, Mary was given a painful sword, but it was a sword sheathed with comfort. Are you going through pain this Christmas? Then join Mary in embracing the five comforts God gave her in her trial: the comfort of knowing (1) that suffering is normal for Christians, (2) God is in control, (3) that he is preparing you for the future, (4) and that you are not alone. The greatest comfort of all—a comfort that nothing can take away from you—is (5) the comfort of having Christ as your Saviour. To receive Him is to receive pure joy this Christmas.

Scriptures Referenced: Luke 2:21-39; Rom. 8:28-29
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PP043 The Rock that Will Not Crumble

John Stott wisely said, “The Bible is a dangerous book to read. For in reading the Bible, we hear the words of Christ.” And as Christ speaks with authority like none other, we need to obey what we hear from Him. The great news is, building our life on obedience to his word is the safest thing to do! And when the storms of life blow against us, Christ’s words prove to be a rock that can support us.

Scriptures Referenced: Matthew 7:24-27; John 3:36; Rom 1:5; 1Pet 2:25

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