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PP100 Our Ever Faithful God

We don’t know what changes 2023 will bring, but we do know one thing that won’t change – God will still be faithful. We can be up and down, but God’s faithfulness to us doesn’t hinge upon whether we are up or down. The church in Corinth had more than one issue that needed cleaning up, but God was faithful to them because God always sticks by His people. And as Matthew shares from his own experience, sometimes it is in our “downs” that we really learn the faithfulness of God.

Scriptures Referenced: Neh 9:18-19; Lam 3:22-23; Isa 48:21; 1Cor 1:8-9; 1Cor 10:3-4; 1Cor 10:13

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PP070 The Father of the Bride

Paul’s heart for the church of God beat in harmony with God’s heart. His passion was to see the church maintain a purity of devotion to Christ – but purity of devotion depended on good teaching. Do we place a proper value on the teaching and beliefs of the local church?

Scriptures Referenced: Exo 34:14; 1Cor 4:15; 2Cor 11:1-6

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PP058 Christians Are Called Saints

God calls us to be holy, but we can’t make ourselves holy. What’s the answer to this conundrum? The gospel! God is justified in commanding us to be holy, because He first calls us saints. Understanding our identity in Christ is key to becoming holy, because sanctification isn’t a self-help program, but a work of God within us.

Scriptures Referenced: Neh 8:10; Joh 15:5; Rom 6:19; 2Cor 3:18; 2Cor 5:17; Gal 6:8; 1Thes 4:3,7; Heb 10:10; 1Pet 1:16
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PP054 How the Captivating Holiness of God Can Set Us Free

A boy visits Loch Ness. Instead of catching something, something catches him. He gives the rest of his life to the search for a mythical monster. We’re all looking for a cause big enough to devote our lives to. When we encounter God in his holiness we discover a beauty captivating enough to hold our attention forever and a cause large enough to be worthy of all our devotion. God’s holiness is captivating. And in capturing us, it sets us free.

Scriptures Referenced: Isa 6; Exo 3; Lev 10:10; 1Jn 1:5; Heb 7:26; Exo 15:11
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PP049 Habits of Grace: Reading & Learning

One of the ways we can grow in enjoying and experiencing God’s love is through learning theology. And one of the ways we learn theology is through reading Scripture and books about Scripture. This is the first in a short series of episodes on the spiritual disciplines, what David Mathis calls habits of grace. If your daily quiet time is lacking some sizzle, discover how replacing your devotional book with a good solid work of theology can make a world of difference.

Scriptures Referenced: Jude; Acts 2:42; 1Tim 1:6-7, 4:7; 2Pet 3:16-17; Ps 119:9, 18, 34-35, 160; Eph 4:11-14
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PP040 Salt AND Light Christians

As Christians we are prone to veering into ditches. We focus on befriending the lost, but end up losing our Christian distinctiveness. So we start pursuing personal holiness, but in doing so cut off contact with the world. In his sermon on the mountain, Jesus lines our path with two rumble strips: (1) you are the salt of the earth, and (2) you are the light of the world. Together these rumble strips corral us into the radical centre–we are to be utterly separate, in close proximity to the world.

Scriptures Referenced: Mat 5:13-15; Joh 1:5, 8:12; Titus 2:14

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PP038 God’s Good Conspiracy in a World of Conspiracy Theories

What are Christians to do with all the conspiracy theories swirling around? Obsess over them? Research them to death? Lose sleep over them all? The gospel teaches us to make three moves: First, we try level the playing field and see that all of us believe in at least one conspiracy theory. Second, we diagnose our heart’s attractions to conspiracy theories. Third, we go to the cross of Christ and the gospel. Learn how to overcome our fears of conspiracy theories, not by obsessing over them, but by seeing how all of them are swallowed up by the Triune God’s conspiracy for our good.

Scriptures Referenced:1Cor 2:6-10, 12; Ps 2:1-2; 1Tim 1:4; Titus 3:9

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PP036 The Recipe for a Happy Thanksgiving

Colossians 1:12 is a great verse for Thanksgiving Day. It tells us to give thanks with joy to the Father. Learn Paul’s special recipe for making every day a happy day of thanksgiving.

Scriptures Referenced: Col 1:3, 9-14; 3:15; 1Th 5:18; 1Pet 3:18

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PP035 Singing by the Seaside

When Israel was saved out of Egypt, they sang praise to God, on the banks of the Red Sea. If you have been redeemed, the Lord has put a new song in your mouth – so sing it! As people saved by the Lord, we have good reason to praise him in song. But what should we be singing?

Scriptures Referenced: Ex 15; Mt 26:30; 1Cor 14:15,26; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16

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PP034 The Ache of Autumn & Gospel Greens

Whether autumn is your favourite season of the year or least favourite, Psalm 65 is for you. Its strange celebration of the forgiveness of sins and the fall harvest teach us how much the gospel has to offer lovers of nature and those who care about the environment. In this episode we learn how to enrich our enjoyment of autumn, share the gospel with our friends who want to save the earth, and deepen our hunger for heaven.

Scriptures Referenced: Ps 65; 1Ki 8:35-36

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