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PP167 Identifying with Christ

A common misunderstanding with the gospel of grace is that people may as well continue to sin once they are saved, since our abundance of sin showcases God’s abundance of grace. Of course this isn’t true, and one reason we know it’s not true is our baptism. But what does baptism have to do with not continuing to sin? And what does baptism really mean? Tune in for a concise explanation of baptism in the first episode of this year’s Romans 6 summer challenge.

Scriptures Referenced:
Rom 6:1-5

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PP163 The Imago Dei: What It Means and Why It Matters

What does it mean that we are made in God’s image? Christians over the centuries have arrived at different answers. Mike surveys four views — resemblance, representation, relational, and reflection — and then, much to Matthew’s delight, declares all of them right! This doctrine serves as a reminder of the sanctity of human life and calls us to treat one another with the utmost respect and dignity, knowing that how we treat others reflects our treatment of God himself.

Scriptures Referenced:
Gen 1:26-28, 5:1-3, 9:5-6; 1Sam 6:5; Psa 8; Col 1:15, 3:10

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PP032 Back to School with Attitude: “I’m Too Special to Sin”

This year, go back to school or college with attitude! If you’re a Christian you’re too special to sin. According to 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, you belong to God by creation, by redemption, and by indwelling. Learn how to walk away from sinful temptations by saying, “I’m too special for that.”

Scriptures Referenced: 1Cor 6:12-20; 1Pt 1:18-19

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PP027 Do You Talk to Yourself? You’d Be Crazy Not To

There’s a crucial difference between listening to yourself and talking to yourself. According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, most of our unhappiness comes from listening to ourselves instead of talking to ourselves. Perhaps King David would agree. In this first episode of the August Summer Challenge series, we overhear David talking to himself about five benefits the Lord had given him. Listen in to learn how you can use biblical self-talk to prime the pump of your heart and cause joyful praise to gush out from deep inside.

Scriptures Referenced: Ps 42:5-6, 103:1-5; Luk 11:13

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PP003 The Perfect Posture-Correcting Device

If you’ve been getting pop ads in your social media lately about posture correcting devices, you’ll want to tune in to this one. As much as we need reminders to straighten up our physical posture, we need reminders about our soul posture even more. Sometimes we get swelled up with pride; other times we slouch down with self-loathing. The cross is the perfect posture correcting device. On the one hand it reminds us what it took to save us — that keeps us from looking down on others. But it also reminds us that we’ve been purchased at great cost and now belong to God himself. That keeps us from beating up ourselves. We can now walk with our heads held high in dignity, but not in pride.

Scriptures Referenced: Lev 26:13, Col 1:9-11, James 1:2-3

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