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PP066 A People to Whom You Commit

One of the most beautiful and instructive metaphors of the church is that of the body. It teaches us about unity, diversity, and interdependency. Listen as Mike & Matthew talk about the blessing that commitment and accountability bring to the local church.
Scriptures Referenced: 1Cor 12:12-27; Eph 4:3; Php 1:27; Php 2:3-5
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PP039 Unity is Possible

How many disagreements could be overcome if Christians really understood that their own faction and the one they are fighting with are both fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God? In this second half of Vincent Kember’s discussion on Christian unity, we consider some of the threats to unity and the way to enjoy unity. While unity is not something we can conjure, it is something we can nurture. Listen for Vincent’s three practical, concrete ways in which we can do that.

Scriptures Referenced:Mat 5:9; Rom 16:17-18; Eph 2:14-22; Ep 4:1-13; Php 2:3-5; Col 3:12-14; Jam 4:1-3; 1Pet 3:8-10

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PP037 United by…?

It is easy to mistake uniformity for unity, but true Christian unity isn’t dependent on wearing the same color tie or reading the same type of literature in your spare time. Biblical unity is centered on Jesus Christ. And sometimes the external differences that initially catch the eye of man can even serve to amplify true Christian unity.

Scriptures Referenced: Ac 2:1-11; Ac 11:23; Rom 15:5-6; 1Cor 12:12-13

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