PP017 So You Want to Be Spiritual?

Home » PP017 So You Want to Be Spiritual?

What does it mean to be spiritual? How can you be more spiritual? It’s important to answer these questions from Scripture and Christian theology. To be spiritual is to be indwelt by Christ’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit is other-directed and Christ-centered. He works to draw attention not to himself but to Jesus Christ. Being spiritual, therefore, isn’t about keeping up an appearance or reputation or talking all the time about one’s spiritual experiences or achievements. Instead it’s about letting the Spirit turn our attention away from ourselves on to Christ, and to the needs of others.

Scriptures Referenced: John 15:26; 16:13-14; 1 Pet 1:10-12; Rom 8:5-8; 1 Cor 12-14; Acts 11:23; Eph 5:18-21; 1 Cor 2:2

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