Summer Challenge

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PP124 Summer Challenge 2023

This year’s August summer challenge heads back into the Psalms! Psalm 25 is a beautiful prayer that teaches us to bank on God’s willingness to lead sinful people into his paths. Want help in figuring out God’s will for your life? Then join us in memorizing this amazing psalm. For more info about when to start and what prizes there will be for completing, tune in to this brief episode, and watch the website for a schedule.

Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 25

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PP084 The Immeasurable Greatness of God’s Power to Keep You Safe

How great is God’s power to keep you safe? It is immeasurably great! After all, it is the same power that God exerted in raising Christ from the dead and seating him on the divine throne far above all rule and authority and power and dominion. At the end of Ephesians 1, Paul prays that the Holy Spirit would fill us with a pervasive sense of how safe we are in Christ! In this episode we also reflect on how the Christian faith tilts towards God, towards us, and towards grace.

Scriptures Referenced: Eph 1:19-23; Acts 19; 2Ki 6; Ps 8, 110

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PP083 Two Things God Wants You to Know

D.A. Carson says, “just as we allow God’s words to reform our theology and our behaviour, let us let it also reform our praying.” The prison prayers of Paul, of which this passage in Ephesians is one, are a treasure trove of spiritual wealth, and a valuable lesson on how to pray. But the prayers reveal not only the spiritual maturity of Paul, but the desires of God’s heart for his people.

Scriptures Referenced: Eph 1:15-19; Eph 3:14-21; Php 1:3-11; 4:6; Col 1:3-9

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PP082 Struck Rich! The Wonders of Our Inheritance

In Christ we have obtained an inheritance that is as secure as the Trinity. Before a genuine believer in Christ can lose his or her inheritance, God the Son would have to lose his inheritance, God the Father would have to lose control, and God the Holy Spirit would have to lose his seal. Grace has struck us eternally rich!

Scriptures Referenced: Eph 1:11-14; 4:30; Gal 3:27-29; Col 1:3-5; Mark 12:1-12; Heb 1:2; Rom 8; Matt 5:5; Rev 21:7; 1 Cor 3:21-23

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PP081 You Are Part of Something Big

Sometimes we feel very insignificant. But Scripture reminds us that Christ shed his blood for us, and that God’s grace has brought us into something very special, and very big – God’s plan for the ages in Christ. And God has revealed that plan to us because, if we understand it well, it will exalt the significance of our lives today.

Scriptures Referenced: Eph 1:7-10

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PP080 He Chose Us! Election Talk That Never Gets Old

The first of our blessings in Christ that Paul celebrates in Ephesians 1 is the blessing of God choosing us. The doctrine of election is not an issue to get Christians fighting, but a blessing to get us praising. That’s not to say we don’t have lots of questions about it though. In this episode, Mike and Matthew take us through 6 questions Ephesians 1 raises, and answers, about the precious doctrine of election.

Scriptures Referenced: Eph 1:3-6

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PP076 Summer Challenge 2022

Get the lowdown on this year’s August Summer Challenge! This year we are calling all listeners, young and old, to join us in memorizing Ephesians 1. Matthew and Mike do a rapid-fire round of 10 reasons why you should take up the challenge and memorize this great chapter.

Scriptures Referenced: Ps 119:11; John 15:4-10; Eph 5:18; Col 3:16

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PP075 Practicing Your Mental Follow Through

Our thoughts can be true, but incomplete. Which is why we need to practice our mental follow-through. Psalm 36 illustrates this well. David begins the psalm thinking about the wicked man who’s out to get him. But David doesn’t stop there, because that’s only half the picture. Thankfully for us, David goes on to round out his thoughts by thinking about the dimensions of God’s love and faithfulness and wisdom. Also, in this episode we announce the most important detail about this year’s August Summer Challenge! On which, more to come!

Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 36

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PP030 Our Fear of ‘Fearing God’

Many of us experience an emotional and existential fear about the Bible’s “fearing God” language. The emotional fear has to do with what such language implies about God’s character: is he threatening, or loving? The existential fear is the kind we feel when we read the precious assurances of Psalm 103. God has compassion on those who fear him. If I don’t fear him enough, does that mean he isn’t compassionate towards me? Learn how to confront your fears about fearing God head on. The right kind of fear of God doesn’t drive you away from him; it draws you near.

Scriptures Referenced: Ps 103:15-20; 33:18, 128:1, 130:4; Jer 32:40; Ex 20:20; 1Sam 12:20-24; Isa 11:3; Deut 6:2-5; Jer 33:8-9; Hos 3:5; Luk 7:13-17; Acts 9:31

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