Welcome to the Practicology Podcast

Putting Theology Into Practice

There’s enough disorder in life without disconnecting what you believe from how you live. To make an impact, your faith must be integrated. The Practicology Podcast is bridging the gap between Scripture and every day life because the Bible belongs not only beside the stack of commentaries but also next to the pile of dirty dishes.

We want to help you connect glorious truth about God to the stubborn realities of life — what could be more exciting?

PP004 Enduring in Evangelism

The Scriptures call upon us to “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5). But sometimes circumstances, particularly Covid-19, make it seem too challenging or even pointless. However, there is a basic theology of evangelism that encourages us to persevere. In this episode, we talk about four principles to bear in mind to help us endure in evangelism.

Scriptures Referenced: 2Tim 4:2,5; Jonah 2:9; Rom 1:16

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PP003 The Perfect Posture-Correcting Device

If you’ve been getting pop ads in your social media lately about posture correcting devices, you’ll want to tune in to this one. As much as we need reminders to straighten up our physical posture, we need reminders about our soul posture even more. Sometimes we get swelled up with pride; other times we slouch down with self-loathing. The cross is the perfect posture correcting device. On the one hand it reminds us what it took to save us — that keeps us from looking down on others. But it also reminds us that we’ve been purchased at great cost and now belong to God himself. That keeps us from beating up ourselves. We can now walk with our heads held high in dignity, but not in pride.

Scriptures Referenced: Lev 26:13, Col 1:9-11, James 1:2-3

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PP002 Sticking with the Church

Sometimes life in a local church can be so painful, we feel like giving up. What’s the use in going any more? In this episode Mike shares how Psalms 126 – 127 have helped him. They can help you too! They offer (1) a wonderful (and surprising!) comfort; (2) a wonderful promise; (3) and a wonderful truth.

Scriptures Referenced: Ps 126, Ps 127:1-2

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PP001 God of Endurance

The Christian life is not a sprint, but a marathon. Sometimes we feel too weak to keep our flame of faith burning brightly, and insufficient to run the the race in a Christ exalting way. But our ability to endure does not come from within ourselves, but from the God of endurance (Romans 15:5). In this episode we learn that through the Scriptures, God ministers grace to enable our endurance, and in our failures, we remember the Lord Jesus endured perfectly for us.

Scriptures Referenced
Rom 15:4-6; Lam 3:17-24; Heb 12:1-3

Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.

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